Friday, February 24, 2012

Lenten Thoughts #2

I promised to work on that preachy thing, so today's entry is a simple story that shows God's sense of humor.  Out of the mouths of babes, to the ears of listening adults:

The kids were playing Follow the Leader, with three year old Joey in charge.  Every child marched dutifully behind,  doing whatever Joey did.  He'd raise his fists, they'd raise theirs; he'd skip, they'd skip; he'd whoop, they'd whoop.  Only being kids, they got bored.  Quickly.  One by one, the other children dropped out to follow other pursuits, but Joey marched happily along--until he realized that no one was behind him anymore.  Furious, red in the face, hands on hips, the three year old leader confronted his backslid flock: "Hey, what happened to you people?  You messed up all the following!"

This is actually a true story, not a churchy anecdote from a canned sermon.  The teacher was Donna Carloss Williams, a university professor now who at the time worked in a preschool.  The child's adult-style announcement struck her as hilarious and wise.

I once bought a bottle of wine with the brand name "Herding Cats."

Do you suppose that's how Jesus felt with his disciples?  With us?

[Thanks to Pastor Keith Williams of Eaton United Methodist Church for sharing Donna's story.]

1 comment:

Corby said...

I mess up the following all the time. Thanks for the story.